- The Korea Import Association discussed ways to expand bilateral exchanges with Tajikistan's ambassador to Korea.
- Korea Import Association Promises Cooperation with Taiwan Delegation to Expand Bilateral Exchanges.
- The opening ceremony of the 2023 Korea Import Fair was held successfully.
- Korea Importers Association Discusses Bilateral Trade Expansion with Federation of Indian Export Organizations.
- Korea Import Association promises to cooperate with India's Maharashtra state government in expanding trade expansion.
- Korea Importers Association to hold 2023 Korea-India Import and Export Business Seminar.
- Korea Import Association Holds 1st Korea-Vietnam Import Promotion Committee
- Korea Import Association Discusses Trade Expansion with Cuban Chamber of Commerce Chairman.
- Korea Import Association seeks to expand trade with three Latin American countries in Korea
- Korea Import Association signs MOU with Tunisia Export Promotion Agency (CEPEX)
- Korea Import Association Holds First Korea-Taiwan Import Promotion Committee
- Meeting with the Ambassador of Belarus to Korea(14 April,2023)