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Koimaindex.com provides the daily prices and market conditions of major raw materials worldwide.
KOIMA Index is Korea’s one and only raw material import price index providing raw material import price information for 56 major items.

Why you need koimaindex.com

  • It provides international raw material prices and market conditions in real time as the guideline so that domestic companies, the actual consumers of raw materials, can stably purchase raw materials at a reasonable price.
  • It provides specialized information about the import of raw materials.

Services provided by koimaindex.com

  • Daily update of international market price of major raw materials and related news
  • Reports on the average import price of 56 essential raw materials for domestic industries and a trend analysis for each item (KOIMA Index)
  • History of prices for each raw material (date can be searched by period)
  • Monthly income statistics for major raw materials (within 1~2 days of the following month)
  • Provides international raw materials index
  • Produces report for pending issues
  • SMS service for daily raw material prices
  • Email newsletter service
  • Real time Q&A counseling service
KOIMA index is...

Korea’s one and only raw material import price index, it is determined and announced by selecting 56 raw materials essential for domestic industries, and surveying the monthly average import contract price (Based on December 1995=100).