Global Organizations with MOU signed with KOIMA
- Argentina
- Fundacion Export, AR
- E.U.
- European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea (EUCCK)
- Bangladesh
LFMEAB (Leather goods & Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh)
- Ecuador
- Pro Ecuador
- Belarus
- Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BelCCI)
- Ethiopia
Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce
Ministry of Trade and Industry
The Ethiopian Export Promotion Agency (EEPA)
- Finland
- Finnish Foreign Trade Association (FFTA)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Foreign Trade Chamber of B&H
- Brazil
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Brazil-Korea
- France
- Centre Francais du Commerce Exterieur (CFCE)
- Canada
Alliance of Manufacturers & Exporters Canada
Canadian Exporters’ Association (CEA)
- Germany
- German Korean Business Association (DKW)
- Chile
- Camara De Comercio De Santiago de Chile
- Hungary
Hungary-Korea Society for Friendship and Cooperation
National Association of Hungarian Farmer’s Society
- India
Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO)
India International Trade Centre
- Israel
- Israel Export Institute
- Italy
- Italian Institute for Foreign Trade
- Kazakhstan
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Colombia
- Proexport Colombia
- Laos
- Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI)
- Czech
- Czech Chamber of Commerce (CCC) Association for Foreign Investment (AFI)
- Lithuania
- Enterprise Lithuania
- Congo
- Ministry of the National Economy and Trade
- Malaysia
- Denmark
- Danish Agriculture and Food Council
- Mexico
Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior S.N.C. (Bancomext)
- Dominican Republic
- Centro de Exportacion e Inversion de la RepublicaDominicana
- China
Beijing Super Investment Consultants Co., Ltd.
(China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)
Changchun Economic and Technological Cooperation Bureau
China Foreign Trade Centre (CFTC)
China International Electronic Commerce Center (CIECC)
Guangzhou BFTEC
Nanjing BFTEC
Shantou Chamber of Commerce of Importers and Exporters
Shenyang Chamber of Commerce
The Sichuan Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export (SCOCIE)
Weihai Municipal Government